information contained in this website and
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and educational purposes only. It intended to
provide general advice relating to achieving a
healthy diet and weight management. It is not
an attempt by the writers or publisher to
diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease, nor
should it be construed to be such. Visitors and
readers are hereby encouraged to consult with
a licensed health care professional concerning the
information presented, which has been received
from sources deemed reliable, but no guarantees,
expressed or implied, can be made regarding the
accuracy of the information or any results that
may arise.
All matters regarding physical health should be
referred to a qualified health-care professional
and a health-care professional should be consulted
before beginning any fitness or nutrition program.
Alkaline Diet Health Tips and its staff are not a
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or dieticians and do not claim any responsibility
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conditions that a reader may have.
All readers assume full responsibility for their own
health, well being and nutrition and are highly
encouraged to do their own reading and research
in this area.
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